Personal Testimonials
Private Client
I came to Sally Ann because I was unsure of the direction of my career. Through our sessions together I have gained a sense of self worth that has helped me realise that I was doing the right thing all along. As a regular client of hers I have seen my confidence grow and my ability to cope with difficulties increase. In short I feel life works better for me. Coming to see Sally Ann has been one of the best and most significant decisions of my life.
Adriana Bokel-Herde
VP People Services
I have participated in Sally Ann’s Coaching Program and it has been transformational for me. I am grateful as well for the opportunity to have Sally Ann as my coach in a couple occasions which I needed someone with a great balance between empathy and challenge. I always felt very comfortable around Sally Ann and was able to work through some difficult things with her. I am grateful that Sally Ann and I crossed paths and I would reach out to her again and again.
International Account Director
Travel Industry
As my business and personal coach for many years now Sally Ann has not only helped me to continually achieve my professional goals but has also taught me that anything in life is possible.
Private Client
I spent quite some time looking for a career coach. I didn’t want someone who doled out tea and sympathy; I wanted someone who drank coffee and wasn’t afraid to challenge my assumptions. Oh, and I also wanted someone whose observations and experiences stemmed from their academic credentials rather than a penchant for crystals.
My observation about the coaching experience is that you need someone who will gently nudge you beyond the ‘naval-gazing’ phase to a point where you’re ready to stop moaning about stuff and actually take some action. Or, alternatively, to a point where you realise that you actually like what you’ve got and don’t want to make any changes at all.
It’s odd what you remember about sessions: Sally once asked me whether I thought it was sustainable to get onto my proverbial ‘white charger’ and aim to save the world each day. Now, every once in a while, I drive to work saddling up a metaphorical seaside donkey.
My advice to anyone heading to a session? Take your own tissues.
Ellie Rees
In working with Sally Ann, professional focus, emotional clarity and practical problem solving are all wrapped up in a compassionate bundle of expertise about life, family and work – simultaneously washed down with a cup of tea, tears and laughter. For me (and for many other women, I am certain) she embodies the perfect combination of characteristics and experience that bind together to make a truly accomplished life coach.
Former Director of Communications in the financial sector
now Textile Designer
During the time I was working with Sally Ann, I was able to unlock some important questions about what was important to me at that stage of my life. Through our conversations and Sally Ann’s encouragement I found the strength to make some major life and career transitions. She often told me that ultimately it would be easy, and as I look back now, she was absolutely right.
Paul Flitcroft MBA
Director of Fundraising and Strategy Consultant
I’m fortunate to have known Sally Ann for many years. She is an excellent coach, and a person whose advice and guidance I value highly. I particularly enjoy working with Sally Ann because of her intelligent and insightful approach; she combines the best of being a top professional in her field, with a lovely manner and a warm disposition. After a session with Sally Ann, I always come away with clearer thinking, better plans and a deeper understanding of how to deal with an opportunity or situation.
Law Firm Partner
Sally got me through my Partnership assessment! She is a brilliant coach, business minded but also emotionally intelligent.
Private Client
I worked with Sally Ann during a very low and difficult period. She was always 100% supportive without letting me off the hook for things I really needed the courage to do. She took me through a big transition in my work life and without her wisdom and challenge I’m not sure how I would have got to the other side.