What do I mean by relationship issues and why are they important?
Well, one of the biggest determinants of how happy you are feeling about your life in general is how good you feel about your relationships with other people – in particular with your partner and other close family members. On the other hand if you’re in a relationship that is not working for you for one reason or another, you are probably struggling to feel you are living your life to its full potential.
However, even if you do realise you need to make some changes, it can be very hard to know exactly where to start – and where you might end up. Also, the more time and energy you have invested in a relationship, the more complex the consequences are of whatever decisions you take. For those reasons, it’s not surprising that people find living with such feelings upsetting and worrying.
I can help you think through what it is that you are feeling about one or more important relationships in your life and explore all the options you have for either trying to make things better or, if necessary, coming to terms with making a break. I think having an objective, non-judgmental person to listen and talk to as you grapple with your thoughts and worries can really help you to see the wood from the trees, to trust your own judgment again and to make a decision about what to do next.